- Parent Info
Local Control Funding
Local Control Funding
The 2013/2014 Governor's budget package replaces the previous K-12 finance system with a new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCFF represents a historic shift in how California funds public schools. Instead of allocating funds for programs and services the state determines are a priority, the LCFF gives local school boards control over how to use funds and resources to improve outcomes and opportunities for all students. The new funding model specifically addresses students with greater needs, such as English Learners, Low Income, and Foster Youth students.
As it is important that BUSD makes informed decisions when investing in programs and services, the LCFF and the accompanying Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), are new opportunities to engage our BUSD community. The LCFF requires that we study data, consider best practices, understand our own needs, and discuss how to best invest in our students with the resources available to us. A LCAP Community Advisory Committee (LCAPCAC) has been meeting to look at information and discuss what parents and community members see as needs within BUSD. Employee group members have also been invited and have been attending these meetings.
The LCAPCAC meetings have been extremely informative and we would like to hear from other parents and community members as well. As a result, we are working to create multiple opportunities to engage parents, students, staff and the community.
A draft of the BUSD LCFF/LCAP plan will be shared at the June 4, 2014, BUSD Board of Education meeting. Based on input from the Board and community, the draft will be reviewed and revised as directed by the Board. The LCFF/LCAP will then be brought to the Board for approval at the June 18, 2014, BUSD Board of Education meeting. As the district's LCFF/LCAP must align with the district's budget, the BUSD budget for the 2014-2015 school year will be approved at the same meeting.
Listed below are the State priorities which must be addressed as part of the LCFF. These are the priorities that have been discussed with the LCAPCAC and while all input is welcomed, we specifically want to hear from our community regarding the 8 priorities that must be addressed.
As it is important that BUSD makes informed decisions when investing in programs and services, the LCFF and the accompanying Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), are new opportunities to engage our BUSD community. The LCFF requires that we study data, consider best practices, understand our own needs, and discuss how to best invest in our students with the resources available to us. A LCAP Community Advisory Committee (LCAPCAC) has been meeting to look at information and discuss what parents and community members see as needs within BUSD. Employee group members have also been invited and have been attending these meetings.
The LCAPCAC meetings have been extremely informative and we would like to hear from other parents and community members as well. As a result, we are working to create multiple opportunities to engage parents, students, staff and the community.
A draft of the BUSD LCFF/LCAP plan will be shared at the June 4, 2014, BUSD Board of Education meeting. Based on input from the Board and community, the draft will be reviewed and revised as directed by the Board. The LCFF/LCAP will then be brought to the Board for approval at the June 18, 2014, BUSD Board of Education meeting. As the district's LCFF/LCAP must align with the district's budget, the BUSD budget for the 2014-2015 school year will be approved at the same meeting.
Listed below are the State priorities which must be addressed as part of the LCFF. These are the priorities that have been discussed with the LCAPCAC and while all input is welcomed, we specifically want to hear from our community regarding the 8 priorities that must be addressed.
- Conditions of Learning
- Basic Services: teacher credentialing, student access to standards-aligned instructional materials, and facilities in good repair
- Implementation of State Standards: implementation of the Common Core State Standards for all students, including English Learners
- Course Access: student access to and enrollment in all required areas of study
- Pupil Outcomes
- Pupil Achievement: performance on standardized tests, preparation for college based on the Early Assessment Program (EAP); College and career readiness; English Learner reclassification rate; passage rate on the Advanced Placement test; and Academic Performance Index (API)
- Other Pupil Outcomes: other indicators of student performance in required areas of study such as SAT and ACT exams, etc.
- Engagement
- Parent Involvement: school and district efforts to seek parent input and promotion of parental involvement in the schools
- Pupil Engagement: school attendance rates; chronic absenteeism rates; middle school dropout rates; high school drop out rates; and high school graduation rates.
- School Climate: This area includes student suspension rates, student expulsion rates, and other measures determined locally which could include participation in co-curricular activities (arts, clubs, athletics, etc.).
Thank you for your support of and involvement in our community and our schools. We look forward to hearing your ideas as we seek input into our plan to best provide a high quality education for students in Biggs Unified School District.
LCFF/LCAP Documents
LCFF/LCAP Documents
- Biggs Unified LCAP approved - 09/01/2022
- Biggs Unified LCAP Merged Final Plan - 07/01/2021
- Biggs Unified LCAP updated June 9, 2021 - DRAFT
- LCFF Budget Overview for Parents - 2020/2021 School Year
- Biggs Unified Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan -Adopted & Reopening Plan - updated
- Biggs Unified Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Sept. 16, 2020
- Biggs LCAP Stakeholder Engagement 2019/2020
- Biggs Unified LCAP approval letter Sept. 12, 2019
- Biggs Unified LCAP updated June 27, 2019
- Biggs Unified LCAP Federal Addendum June 27, 2019
- Biggs Unified LCAP updated June 28, 2018
- Biggs Unified LCAP updated June 27, 2017
- Biggs Unified LCAP updated August 31, 2016
- Biggs Unified LCAP 2016/2017
- Biggs Unified 2015 LEA Plan
- Biggs Unified LCAP dated June 29, 2015
- Biggs Unified Updated LCAP June 16, 2015
- Stakeholders LCFF/LCAP PowerPoint Presentation
- LCFF/LCAP Date Information PowerPoint Presentation
- LCFF/LCAP Survey - Word format - PDF format - Please complete and return to the District Office or email to the Superintendent
- CFF Acronyms
- Biggs Unified LCAP June 17, 2014 version